How do I Print, Scan or Photocopy?


Printing and photocopying services are available in the ADU Libraries. You will need to pay for both. The Scanning facility is provided Free of Cost.

In order to print a document, you need to be logged into your student account. In order to print
through the UniPrint system, please follow these steps:
1. Open your document.
2. Choose File, then Click Print.
In the Print Window, choose ADUSecure-BLK as printer

The prices differ if you would like to print in color / black & white. The prices may also vary for different page sizes. Currently, you can print in A3 / A4 sizes.

If you have credit, just login to any computer in the Library and print your work. If you do not have credit, you will need to purchase this at the Finance Department.

Photocopying credit will also need to be purchased at the Finance Department.

Both the printers and photocopiers are located in a room near the entrance to the Library.

Please note that you can also Scan your documents using the photocopiers. 

  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2020
  • Views 141
  • Answered By Huda Iqbal

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