Please share some websites to find graphics, images and multimedia for my instructional presentations?
- Burst - Free, high resolution stock photos sorted by category
- CC (Creative Commons) Search - Clear licensing options are available to filter by in the left navigation pane
- Deposit Photos - Royalty-free stock photos, vector images, and videos.
- Everystockphoto - Free membership required. This site indexes, caches, and provides information about creative commons photos.
- Flickr-Creative Commons search - Search photos by the Creative Commons license: any license, commercial use allowed, modifications allowed, and no known copyright restrictions.
- Flickr Commons - Searchable collection of public photography archives. Includes governmental, university, and organizational archives.
- Newspaper Navigator - Library of Congress provides access to 1.56 million historic newspaper photos using Newspaper Navigator
- Unsplash - Free for use images including categories like sustainability, current events, and COVID-19
Class Projects
- Photos for class - Creative Commons photos appropriate for school setting. Download includes automatic citation.
- Photos for work - Safe for work images. Downloads include automatically created citations.
- Pics4Learning - Safe images, free for education.
- British Library's Flickr Site - Digitized historical images from the British Library's collection
- Wellcome Collection: Creative Commons licensed images - Historical library materials and museum objects.
- NASA Image Galleries - Galleries include news photos, the NASA Image Library, Image of the Day, Space Images, Historic Images on Flickr, and Mission Galleries.
- National Park Service Multimedia search - Includes sources of photos, videos, audio, and webcams. Multimedia credited to the NPS without any copyright symbol are public domain. If there is a copyright symbol, contact the host park or program to locate the copyright owner so you can request permission to use.
- U.S. Government Images - Search U.S. Government images and video
These sites provide multiple search options for images and video.
- Morguefile - General photo and video archive. "Morgue file" refers to the newspaper term for the collection of post-production materials used for reference.
- Pexels - Free stock photos and video of diverse images
- Pixabay - Includes images and videos. All content is under Creative Commons CC0, so items can be used for education and commercial purposes.
- Wikimedia Commons - Includes images, sounds, and videos.
- Dareful - Stunning, free video of urban and nature settings available for use
- Deposit Photos - Royalty-free stock photos, vector images, and videos.
- Prelinger Archives - Historical video footage available through Internet Archive
- Truveo - Truveo claims to provide a simultaneous search of YouTube, ClipSyndicate, Rewer,, FOX News, Google Video, Dailymotion, New York Post, videojug,, Sling, Yahoo!Video, Hulu, The Sun, and Comcast. Librarians have located videos produced by medical schools, doctors, and nurses, using this search engine.
- Videezy - Some content available for free. Diverse subjects and settings
Sound Sources
- ccMixer - Music and sound available through Creative Commons for use and editing
- Free Music Archive - Royalty free music made by independent artists free for use
- FreeSFX - UK based free sound effects, background music and audio
- Free Sound - Free audio and music clips
- Josh Woodward - Assorted songs categorized by mood, genre, tempo and theme.
- Sound Bible - Royalty free sound clips and sound effects
- Synkio - Some freely available music content for films
Links & Files
- General Images Opens in new window
- Who owns instructional material created by faculty? Opens in new window
- What about using Media Files (audio, film, podcasts) in my lecture or presentation? Opens in new window
- May I incorporate graphics or images (pictures, cartoons, tables, charts, graphs) into presentations, i.e. PowerPoint presentations? Opens in new window