What is the difference between Popular Magazines, Trade Journals and Scholarly Journals?


It can sometimes be difficult to determine if you are reading an article from a peer-reviewed journal. The following are general criteria used to distinguish between popular magazines, trade journals and scholarly journals. 


Popular Magazines

Trade Journals

Scholarly Journals



eye-catching cover and glossy paper

pictures and illustrations in color

each issue starts with page 1


glossy paper

pictures and illustrations in color

each issue starts with page 1


plain cover and plain paper.

black/white graphics and illustrations.

pages are usually consecutive in the volume.


General Public

Members of a specific business, industry or organization

Researchers, professionals and academics


Articles written by staff members, journalists, and freelance writers

Authors may be anonymous

Articles written by staff members, contributing authors or freelance writers

Authors usually named

Experts in the field such as professors

Authors named and institutional affiliations given

References or Bibliographies

Rarely include bibliographies

May include short bibliographies

Bibliographies are always present


Editors work for publisher

Editors work for publisher

Editorial board of outside scholars (known as peer review)


Personalities, news of current events, and general interest articles

Industry trends, new products or techniques, and organizational news

Original research, in depth studies, literary criticism, and theory.

Articles usually contain abstracts.

Writing Style and Language

Easy to read, simple language used.

Aimed at the lay person.

Uses terminology and language of trade or industry covered

Uses discipline specific terminology that is sophisticated and technical .

Advertisements (Print Version)

(for consumer products)

(all or most are trade related)

Few or none
(usually for book or conference)

  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2021
  • Views 43
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