What should a borrower know about borrowing books and other circulation materials?


The borrower is held responsible for all books issued as long as the issue record for those books remains unconcealed. Books on loan are for the personal use of the borrower only, and must not be passed onto any person, whether entitled to use the Library or not, except with the special permission of the Library Manager.

The borrower may renew a borrowed book, if another user does not require the book. Books will be renewed in-person or through the Library circulation system. The Library Manager has the authority to recall a borrowed book at any time. The book must then be returned to the Library, by the date specified in the recall notice, regardless of the date stamped in the book, or the one the user is notified of, at the time of issue or renewal. It is the responsibility of users to ensure that they are in a position to respond promptly to recall notices.

  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2020
  • Views 33
  • Answered By Huda Iqbal

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